Retiree Current Enrollments Help


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Health & Welfare information


Your health and welfare enrollment information shown here is based upon available data and current plan assumptions and is not a guarantee of eligibility or benefit amounts.  Health and welfare benefits are not accrued or vested benefit entitlements.

Eligibility information concerning UC-sponsored group insurance plans for retirees and eligible family members is available in the Group Insurance Eligibility Factsheet.  And information about continuing medical, dental, and legal plan coverage into retirement can be found in the UC Retirement Handbook.

Graduated Eligibility

If you became a member of UCRP on or after January 1, 1990, or if you were rehired after that date following a break in service of more than 120 days, as a retiree you receive a percentage of UC's maximum contribution toward your medical and dental plan premiums. The percentage UC contributes corresponds to your years of UC service credit.  See the Graduated Eligibility Chart for more information.


Medicare is the federal health insurance program administered by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). If you are a University retiree enrolled in a UC-sponsored medical plan, UC requires you and your enrolled family members to enroll in Medicare Part B as soon as you become eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A, usually at age 65.

In some cases, the UC/employer contribution for a Medicare medical plan is more than the total premium cost. In that case, you may receive a reimbursement from UC which covers all or part of your Medicare Part B monthly premium. Reimbursements vary and are not reflected on this Current Enrollments page.

If you or a family member is in Medicare and your other family members are not, those in Medicare are enrolled in the Medicare version of the medical plan while the others remain in the non-Medicare version of the plan.  For more information, see the UC Medicare Factsheet.

Plan Enrollments

If you are enrolled in a UC-sponsored retiree medical, dental or legal plan, the plan name, coverage level, and your monthly premium cost are displayed.

If you are enrolled in the vision plan, your enrollment information is not displayed here. Enrollment and premiums are not handled through the University's pension deduction. The University has contracted with Vision Service Plan (VSP) to provide all administrative services. VSP uses a company called AdminAmerica to handle enrollment and billing. You pay the full premium and make arrangements directly through AdminAmerica for premium payments. If you are enrolled in the vision plan, please conatct VSP at 1-800-877-7195 for assistance regarding your coverage.

Enrolled Family Members

For any enrolled family members, their name, relationship to you, sex, month and year of birth, plans enrolled, and Medicare status are displayed.

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Questions or Problems

If you notice any data discrepancies or have any questions regarding your retiree health and welfare benefits, please contact the UC Customer Service Center.

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